Because some people insist on arguing semantics rather than substance, might I be allowed to suggest some new acronyms that we could all use when referring to backlinks? Just as PR was once just "PR" but later needed to have TB added to it (as in TBPR), I think we now need to categorize backlinks (BL) in the following ways:
HQBL = High Quality Backlink
QBL = Quality Backlink (not as good as HQBL, but good nevertheless)
CBL = Crappy Backlink
So when analyzing a site's backlinks, one could say that it has "a few HQBLs, about 50 QBLs, and a ton of CBLs". That would pretty easily let people know what that site's backlink profile was like. (Of course, how you categorized each backlink would still be based upon your own personal opinion).
If you're with me in this endeavor, shout "HUZZAH!". 😀
Note that I'm partially being sarcastic here. I'm frankly just tired of dealing with backlink arguments. Nevertheless, I think it might be useful to differentiate them in discussions
HUZZAH. Might I also suggest a couple of other acronyms that would be useful in this debate:
SCE for So-Called Expert
SPE for Self-Proclaimed Expert
Donna, of course, would be an HTGE (Honest-To-God Expert)!
Now, pops, I think you might want to try and be somewhat politically correct on this one… we should refer to them as:
ECI for Expertize Challenged Individuals
Especially since they might often fall under the category of RCF (Reality Challenged Freaks), and it not be their faults.
SCPL= Super Crazy Powerful Links
Just Kidding. Great Suggestions.