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4 Tips to Arrange and Handle Your Pinterest Boards

Pinterest has become a matter of some fanaticism for the Internet as a whole. Enjoying the entertaining aspects of sharing images instead of statuses, it has gained millions of followers and a lot of interest from businesses. Many have seen the benefits of using the board for promotion, from companies to blogs.

If you have an account, you have an opportunity to use it to your advantage. Whether that is from a social or a professional point of view is up to you. But either way, it is all about knowing how to properly handle your Pinterest boards.

Here are four tips to easily maintain and make the most out of your account.

Tip One - Rearrange Your Boards

Earlier this year, Pinterest made some changes to their site layout. The boards now stay stationary unless you move them yourself. Which is a problem, because those featured as the four main boards under your screen name can become outdated really quickly. Such as when you have seasonal boards that are only relevant for a month or less.

You should frequently rearrange your boards, putting the four most relevant and useful in the top slots. There is no set time for how often you should do this, but I usually recommend every two weeks, or once a week if you are a really heavy pinner.

But how do you do this? It's really simple.


Tip Two - Edit Board Covers

Much like Facebook users and their Timelines, Pinterest users take a keen interest in the look of their profiles. Of course, they don't always put so much focus on the covers of each board themselves. Which is a mistake, because those covers make a big difference in the resulting look of your profile itself.

You can change these into something more creative with just a couple of clicks. All thanks to a handy little feature Pinterest has offered for users to customize their covers.


To change the cover:

A few cool examples are:

Tip Three - Stick With The Original Name

(Don't re-name!)

One of the worse things you can do is rename a board. It changes the given URL for that board,m and so if it has been bookmarked or shared on another site, it breaks the link and renders it unusable. This is a big problem for people who are hoping to build a presence on Pinterest.

Another consequence is the share button. All of those 'Likes' and 'Tweets' your board has will disappear and reset to zero. Making it necessary to promote your board all over again. So you will want to pick a name and stick with it.

Tip Four - Go For Quality, Not Quantity

I have been seeing a lot of boards lately cluttered with hundreds - or even thousands - of random images that completely cover a certain category. In these cases, the results are always hit and miss. Some are great examples, but most are lackluster or even terrible. Which, to me, eliminates the entire point behind having boards to begin with.

When you are adding in images, try not to go too crazy. Instead, you should focus on quality over quantity, and only add things you think are likely going to be repinned by others. Having a more focused approach will do you well.


Pinterest is a really great site with a lot of potential. But having a clean, efficient board system will help you to meet it. Use these four tips, and watch your repins and subscriptions grow.

(If you liked this, you might enjoy 7 How To's I Learned About Pinterest )

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