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Google Browser Sync – yikes!

Google just came out with a new Firefox extension called Google Browser Sync, which syncs up your browser bookmarks, history, saved passwords, cookies and tabs/windows between all your computers, using your Google account.

Now, despite the Big Brother issue that immediately comes to mind*, I decided to try it. After all, it's a real pain to make sure I have all my bookmarks and passwords on my laptop when I need to go somewhere.

So, I first installed it on my desktop. Then I installed it on my laptop, and voila, sure enough my Firefox browser on the laptop suddenly had all my new bookmarks. Was momentarily happy.

So, I go back to my desktop and open up Firefox. OH NO! My bookmarks toolbar folder (you know the one displayed as a toolbar) is now all messed up! It not only shows what was there before, but also a bunch of stuff from my laptop, most of which is duplicated. Not what I wanted! No, no, not at all.

Now, I have to go through the painful chore of cleaning it up. And of course, if I leave Google Browser Sync running, it will just happen over and over again.

Ugh. What a mess. Too bad too, because I could use something like this.

*Now for the Big Brother issue. All of this data resides on a Google server. Imagine it. All the sites you've visited, all the ones you've bookmarked, all your passwords...sitting out there...just waiting for the government to insist upon having it. Not pretty.


Off to uninstall this sucker.

UPDATE: After uninstalling, I realize I've now been logged out of all forums. In other words, my persistant login was not so persistant after all. Just a minor thing, but still an inconvenience brought on by this little "gift" from Google.