For a couple of months now, Google has been using several different algorighms across its datacenters. I have seen up to 5, but most often, it was running 2 or 3. In the last few days, it seems to have settled into 2 algos, with one having taken the lead spot in most datacenters. I have seen this lead-spot-taking several times in the last two months, with another algo reclaiming the lead a few days later, so that may happen again soon. But the question remains, Why is Google using different algorithms? Is it just a test, to see which is better? And if so, why is this test going on and on and on? (Maybe it's in BETA! LOL). Will one algo finally stick? Or is this the new Google? Constantly running several algos so that the SERPs are never the same from one moment to the next? To me, it is yet another sign of a broken, or at least confused Google. But not being privy to the reasons behind it, there may be some explanation that makes it a brilliant move. (Note sarcasm here). Of course, some say it is designed to confuse and thwart SEOs. It is effectively doing that, but somehow I doubt that is its purpose. I believe that is just an unintentional side effect of what is either a test, or something gone badly wrong. Nothing we can do but watch and wait, to see how this all shakes out.