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How To Find Your Voice Before You Start To Blog

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Before you blog, write.

Take something you would teach,share, explain, opine -- and write about it. If it's good, if you like it, you have material ready for the future. If you realize it sucks, nothing was lost.

Your Company Blog Is Not The Place To Practice

You're not a born writer. Those don't exist: writing is simply hard work.

You don have a lot of experience. Finding your voice is hard.

Writing good comes from writing regularly. Are you writing regularly?

If not, is your company blog the best place to practice?

Probably not. Not at first. Not like that.

Where To Start

  1. Figure out who you write to today. A business owner? The type of person who would be a company client? Other professionals in the industry? A journalist doing research? The who will automatically help you set tone and content.
  2. What do you write about today? Do you want to teach something (a "how to...")? Give an opinion on something? Use the "...which is interesting because..." test to tease out your best ideas.
  3. Write what you want to say to the person you imagine as clearly as you can. Don't waffle.
  4. Save what you wrote. Set a reminder to get back to it in 10-14 days.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 every day or as often as you can. Repetition makes the whole thing easier by a factor of holy shit, look at me go!
  6. Reread what you wrote when the time has come. You'll see cruft. Needless sentences. Cut them. It's not how many words you end up with, it is what they do. 100 words that teach making coffee clearly and simply beat 1000 words of hard to plow through instructions.
  7. Keep what's good and good enough. Don't be overly dramatic or difficult about it.
  8. After 30 days you'll know your flow, recognize your habits, and have found your own voice. You'll write like you. As an added bonus you have content ready to go with.


Like all things, writing takes practice. Get that first and only then get experience on the blog.

Question: do you think this goes too far and that people are better of jumping in the deep end?