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The Posts from 2011 You Should Read Again To Do Better In 2012

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This is my summary of the most influential topics and posts dedicated to those topics. Some of the articles and videos are geared towards the ever-changing Google search, and some are just evergreen advice for SEOs, webmaster, bloggers on how to do SEO, use social media and run their websites in the most profitable way for both users and search engines.

I wanted to include a top 10 list but I realized that its simply impossible as there has been a countless number of posts that deserve to be seen and from which we can learn a lot for the upcoming year, so I decided to separate the post into websites, again that would be too much, so here are the top 3 websites I read and the top posts published there as well as some standalone posts that shouldn't be missed.

Search Engine People

Since SEP is our home I decided to start with the best posts published here, to be objective I will skip my posts, but I'm sure something useful can be found in those as well.

7 Easy Steps To Turn Your Twitter Account Into A SEO Magnet

10 Things Google Wished You Knew

How To Optimize A Web Page For A Keyword

How to SEO if You're Not a Guru

SEO 101: How to Optimize On-Site Videos


SEOmoz is the top of the line regarding SEO advice, some of the best SEO minds guest post on SEOmoz, not to mention their own employees. So here is a list of posts you should not miss.

6 Ways to Recover from Bad Links

Freshness Factor: 10 Illustrations on How Fresh Content Can Influence Rankings

Wake Up SEOs, the New Google is Here

Duplicate Content in a Post-Panda World

How Google's Panda Update Changed SEO Best Practices Forever - Whiteboard Friday

Link Building Management

The Noob Guide to Online Marketing (With Giant INFOGRAPHIC)

Search Engine Land

What is there to say, SEL is always at the top of the standard in the industry and most of the times the first one to break news regarding SEO and Google. Their content is top of the line, and after all, they have one of the icons in the SEO industry, Danny.

SEO Best Practices For HTML5: Truths, Half-Truths & Outright Lies

The Periodic Table Of SEO Ranking Factors

21 Essential SEO Tips & Techniques

Infographic: Why Content For SEO?

21 Types Of Social Content To Boost Your SEO

The Last But Definitely Not The Least:

The rest of the posts are not classified under a certain blog, but this is just a list of the best SEO posts in 2011 scattered across various blogs and websites. This doesnt make them any less valuable then the one published above, so make sure you go through them.

SEO for Google+ Profiles and Pages

How to Unnaturally Naturally Vary Your Anchor Text

Get Hundred of Links to Your Next Blog Post, Guaranteed

30 SEO Experts Share the Most Compelling Content that Influenced Their Works

How to make users scroll down your page

Link Building The Essentials

Content-based Outreach for Link Building

Some of these articles provide a hands on approach and tips for SEO and link building, some are more theoretical and a few of them point you to other posts and great pieces of content that will help you with SEO in 2012.

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