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Components of an Editorial Calendar


One of my very early posts here (over two years ago) addresses the benefits of using an Editorial Calendar. As content marketing continues to be a seo power play and people continue to put off blogging, I thought it would make sense to revisit the Editorial Calendar and provide you with some components to get you on the right track.

Where To Start

Literally, the calendar.

If yes to any of the above consider how many "pre-posts" you need, "during" posts and then "wrap-up" posts. You may also want to schedule a "3 month after the fact" post and a "it's six months away" post.


Take a moment to look at Google Trends.


Dig into your Analytics to see what people are consuming on your site. Add in a post each quarter related to your two most popular topics.

Guest Posts

I think a post a week is a great plan for SEO, but I recognize that it can be tough to fit that into your schedule.

Industry News

This requires a bit of flexibly, as you want to be topical with your news. Schedule a chunk of time the week prior to these posts (maybe once a quarter) for research and then figure out what is a hot topic and write about it.

Just For Fun

Schedule a little relief in your posts. This could be just for your own creatively or to keep your readers engaged. One of my most popular posts was titled Is Sitting the New Smoking | Getting Fit While You Sit. It was a break in my typical posts dealing with WordPress and spoke to the desk jockey's that follow my blog. A few of those each year keep you refreshed and you bring new eyes to your site.


An editorial calendar makes sense for a lot of reasons:

Let me know your thoughts, what works for you, how do you generate ideas and keep yourself organized?