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Common Questions with Social Media Campaigns

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Let me preface this article by first clarifying that the type of social media campaigns I'm going to talk about are social content promotion on social news sites. This includes the act of creating content (or linkbait) and using social news sites like Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Fark, Reddit, etc. to give it maximum visibility in order to drive large amounts of traffic to the content, and in turn, receive many links from others for it.

I've found companies often give a lot of push-back to pursuing a social media campaign primarily due to a lack of education on how the process works and what the ROI (Return On Investment) is. The reality is, when used as a long-term strategy, a social media campaign is very rewarding both in traffic numbers, branding, and links. Below are some common questions, primarily from clients, that target specifics in social media campaigns.


With link building being such a laborious and daunting task, what better way to get high quality links than to create content people love so much they choose to naturally link to it?

Some common questions regarding links are:


Social media traffic is notorious for having a high bounce rate and a low visit time. This is due to the interest being solely focused on the content featured on the social news sites and not much else.

Some common questions regarding traffic are:


Often times larger brands, with a name built for themselves already, want the traffic and links but don't necessarily want to tie their name to any content promotion in fear that the content or commentary about their efforts might negatively harm the brand.

Some common questions regarding branding are:

The End Result

While I've encountered many initial skeptics with social media campaigns I've seen them become quickly addicted to the results. One thing to remember is that not every piece of social content or linkbait will always be successful. The homeruns are what evens out the field. You can expect anywhere from 250-5,000 links and 2,500 to 250,000 visitors from a successful homerun. Consider making social content promotion a part of your social media strategy.