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Clustering – A tool for the SEO

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Search engines, such as Clusty, that use clustering technology to present search results are not only cool, but they can also be used as tool for search engine optimization. First, a good definition of clustering is "organizing search results into categories or folders, grouping similar items together, in an attempt to bring order to the chaos of search engine results". Obviously, this organization of search results can benefit the searcher, but it can also benefit the SEO.

How can you benefit from a clustering search engine? This is yet another intelligent way to do keyword research. For example, type in a search phrase you are optimizing for, and then look at the results in the various related clusters that appear. Where does your keyword phrase rank in each cluster? This can give you a clue as to how the search engines view your page and in what category they place you in. Do you rank better in one cluster than another? If so, think about why. You may discover that you need to reconsider your approach to optimizing and perhaps focus on a different cluster. Maybe your page is not describing your category as well as you thought it was. Or maybe you will discover a whole new range of categories that contain additional keyword phrases that you could concentrate your optimization skills on.

Spend a few minutes running your keyword phrases through a clustered search and see what gems of SEO ideas you turn up.