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5 Steps to Building Your Social Capital

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Last time we talked about how social media can help in customer service.

The desired results can come to you no matter what size of a business you have. Even on a limited budget you can build your social capital by following these five steps.

Consistent Posting Whether it's Facebook, Twitter, Blogs etc.

Consistency is such a key factor is growing your social capital.

All too often we come across accounts where the last post of any kind was a month or so ago. It's even worse when you notice that it has been many months since there was any type of online activity.

It is crucial to be consistent. Consistency denotes dedication and when you network sees that kind of dedication they will come to trust that you are for real.

Researching Content that is actually useful to your network

Another no no is just posting content for the sake of posting something.

 5 steps to building social capital

You're busy, you realize you have not contributed anythingfor the day so you just grab something and push it out there. That actually has a negative effect on your network.

When something stinks, it stinks; there is nothing you can do about it.

It's important for you to research your content first. Read the article and identify its sources. Then instead of just posting it make sure you add a comment on what you appreciated about the article.

By doing this you generate further opportunities to create conversation thereby allowing you to get to know your network on a much different level.

Punctuality in Responding to Fan Feedback

If you don't respond they won't come back. Period. The End.

We've all had it happen. You comment on a blog or on a Facebook post and there is no response at all or they take so long to respond that you have already lost interest in the original conversation.

The key is to make sure our alert system is working properly so we can respond in a timely fashion.

Being punctual in your responses builds on that social capital and continues to build the trust factor into your network.

Be quick to show commendation and thankfulness to your network

When is the last time you flat out said 'Thank you' to your network?

How often do you do this?

You don't need to get all weepy or anything but there's also no need to go in the complete opposite direction and show no gratitude at all.

You have to be grateful! Think about the time your network has taken to share your blog posts or contribute to your Facebook or Twitter conversations. Does that not deserve regular expressions of thanks? Of course it does.

We thrive on commendation and appreciation. When your network feels that, your capital continues to climb.

Reliable and Valuable Partnership Marketing

Incorporating partnership marketing into your social strategy is extremely important.

It's kind of like that Fockers movie series that is available. The dad is always talking about his circle of trust and what it takes to get into it. It is similar with your partners.

You can't just let anyone into your circle. They need to be valuable and reliable. So you need to not only experience their services personally but you also need to do your research on them.

Check their Yelp scores and other reviews. See how connected they are to their own audience. Make sure you actually trust them and their business before recommending them as part of your digital marketing strategy.

So what can you contribute?

Do you have any tips to share that will help us all in building our social capital? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below!