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Blog Post Writing in the Zone

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Most of the advice about writing blog posts recommends that you develop a goal oriented writing system that helps you stay on track and get a post or two or ten done. You're encouraged to plan ahead, use an editorial calendar, mind map or outline the article, and stay keyword focused. It's all good advice.

But every once in a while, ignore all that and enjoy a tremendously productive writing session in "the zone."

The zone is the time when writing seems effortless. Words and ideas just flow and you can crank out a great article in minutes instead of an hour. In the zone, so many different ideas pop into your head it would be impossible to stay on one topic. Don't try.

When you're in the zone, stay there and just keep writing. Here are some tips to make the most of it.

Allow yourself to keep writing when you're in the zone and it's possible to end up with a month's worth of blog posts from one session. It's definitely worth it!