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Are you an I Have An Idea person?

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I am. My brain is constantly throwing out ideas for the next great web site. All I have to do is walk into the living room and give my family "the look" and they groan, and say, "What now?" And I always say, "Well, I have an idea..."

The problem is that I have just too darned many ideas, and not enough time to devote to any one of them. The latest 4 ideas I've had are really great ones. I just know that with some time and effort, they could truly fly. So what do I do? Spread a bit of time amongst them all (while still dealing with the other umpteen I've already got going)? Pick one or two and forget the rest?

If you are like me, an "I Have An Idea" person, how do you handle all the great ideas that pop out of your head? Obviously, if you have a large staff, you don't have to worry about it. Just delegate. But if you are a one-man or one-woman show, what do you do? I'm very curious to know how others handle this.