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An SEO Icon Reinvents Itself

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SEO Book is dead. Love Live SEO Book Training Program.

Aaron Wall, as you are probably aware, is no longer selling his famous SEO Book. That is an SEO icon that is forever relegated to history now. However, as all truly good things do, it has evolved into something that is more current and useful for our times...The SEO Book Training Program. So what is that?

The SEO Book Training Program consists of over 100 cross referencing online training modules that allow you to learn SEO one piece at a time. Many modules also include how to videos and other bonuses like spreadsheets of common keyword modifiers and an example of aligning keyword research data with site structure and on page optimization. As a value added service, we also offer an exclusive community forum where hundreds of webmasters offer each other helpful advice to build their websites and profits.

Ok, so...what's it really like? It's information broken down into easily digestible modules. Rather than being presented with all the info in one spot, which can really be overwhelming, it's divided up, online, into areas. This makes it much easier to concentrate on various aspects without becoming too overwhelmed. And because it now exists on the web, it can utilize all the various forms of media that an ebook lacks, such as video, for example.

I think this is a good move, not just for Aaron, but for everyone. Being able to access the information in this manner, and be part of a private community, holds more value for everyone than the ebook did. I've always felt comfortable recommending the ebook. Now that I've wandered through the halls of the newest iteration, I feel even more comfortable recommending the training program.