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How SEO has changed: SEO Techniques and Best Practices for 2014

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The SEO game - long characterized by rapid change and fluidity - continues to transform at a frenetic pace. SEO techniques once considered best practices in the industry are now cripplingly ineffective, and may even serve to damage overall online visibility. Meta-keyword tags, anchor text over-reliance and article syndication, for example, have fallen from grace and are now tactics that should be avoided.

Now that we have moved into a new year, we've decided to reflect on how SEO has changed and what SEO techniques and practices will help drive traffic to your website in 2014.

A Look At How SEO Has Changed

Given that Google - by far the most popular search engine - changes its algorithm upwards of 550 times per year, it doesn't come as a surprise that SEO techniques and best practices are also in a constant state of flux. It's difficult to stay up-to-date when things can change at the drop of a dime.

However, there is one thing that can be said with absolute certainty: Google strives to provide the most useful, relevant search results in relation to its users search queries. The most impactful of Google's algorithm changes, updates and modifications over the past few years - Caffeine, Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird - were all implemented to achieve this goal. As a result, high-quality content creation and awesome user experience have become paramount to good website performance.

So while it may not be clear how Google will change and update its algorithm in the future, it is clear that you must EARN your position on search engine results pages.

SEO Techniques And Best Practices In 2014

In the current landscape, achieving a strong online presence requires implementing a multifaceted, cohesive and integrated SEO strategy. The following are the areas we recommend you focus on in order to ramp up your SEO efforts and ensure your brand has a killer online presence.

Content Creation

When it comes down to the wire, Google ranks content, not companies. Essentially, when users conduct a search on the search engine, they are looking for an answer to a specific question, and Google wants to provide them with the best, most relevant answer possible. The more detailed that answer is, and the more superior it is in relation to other similar answers, the more useful it will be to Google's users. If you produce content that Google perceives as useful and relevant, then it will rank better in search results, plain and simple.

Content Promotion

The content you create can't exist on an island; in order for it to gain more exposure and make more impact, it must be promoted. In the current landscape, the following are the best methods you can use in order to promote your content: