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3Rs of Blogging – Redirect, Reuse, Recycle

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In today's world, we pay a lot of attention toward ways to minimize waste of any kind. The 3 Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle) have become rallying cries for those hoping to maximize our use of limited resources.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle

In the offline world, when we no longer have use for a product, most of us try to find some way to reuse or recycle it. Consider the example of children's clothing. Once the child has outgrown it, clothing is often passed along to a relative or donated to charity. Families just do not have the extra space to store outgrown clothes indefinitely in the event someone in the family will eventually find a new use for them.

Online, however, space constraints are minor to near limitless. Accordingly, we leave old and outdated blog posts to wallow in obscurity, and feel no particular pressure to take action. Blogs become virtual landfills. Many of these old posts are ultimately forgotten, never surfacing in site analytics reports, and not really contributing to the cause of the company.

What a waste! In reality, there is exceptional value finding way to make better use of these old and outdated blog posts? While they appear to offer no value on the surface, we may unlock hidden value by taking action.

In some cases, we can aggregate and focus the link power of numerous posts into one page, resulting in better rankings for specific terms, and providing opportunities to rank for more competitive terms than otherwise possible. In yet other cases, we can tweak or rewrite the piece to perform better against specific objectives, such as driving newsletter sign-ups or product sales.

The Blog Recycling Process:

STEP 1: Set Goals for Blog Posts -
The first step is to set goals for each post, even old ones. This means some soul-searching to determine exactly what you need each old blog post to accomplish for you on an ongoing basis to continue justifying its presence. Keep in mind there are really only two types of costs:

These two are competing costs. Accordingly, great care must be given to determining precisely what the objectives are.

Example of objectives include having a post attract at least 20 visitors per month, and at least 3 new RSS subscribers per month (track Feedburner Signups Using Google Analytics), or generate a minimum of 3 sales per month. The possibilities are numerous - the key is having a measurable objective to judge all blog posts against.

Different types of posts may have different objectives, especially relating to the realm of SEO. Some posts may be designed to attract links from external sites, which helps the post and entire site rank better for specific terms. Other posts may be designed to secure more RSS feed subscribers, or to spike ComScore or Alexa rankings and ratings. This means being flexible enough to consider that more than one objective may exist.

STEP 2: Identify Underperforming Blog Posts
Once objectives are set, the second step of the process is to identify which blog posts on a site do not meet one or more of the objectives. This can be a time-consuming and arduous task. It means compiling a list of all blog posts, digging into your site's analytics data, assessing each post on the merits being measured, and determining which posts are performing below standard.

If you have set more than one objective, all posts will also have to be measured against each objective individually. If one of your goals is that each post needs to generate 100 visitors, then list all those that do not generate at least 100 visitors per month. If the goal is 3 RSS subscriptions per month, then list those that do not meet expectations. Then, and only then, can you consider taking action.

STEP 3: Redirect, Reuse, or Recycle Old Blog Posts
The third step of the process is to determine what actions to take with the posts that you have determined are underperforming. As in the offline world, there are essentially three options. Online, however, the terminology is slightly different (although the purpose is similar) - redirect, reuse, or recycle.

In the end, the same principles that guide us offline are often those that can be used online. Yes, the "3 Rs" have a slightly different meaning, but the core concept is the same - don't let anything go to waste. Find ways to make use of all the blog posts at your disposal, rather than tossing them into a virtual landfill. Many of us have been practicing this mentality offline for a lot of years - even if it's as self-serving as cashing in your pop cans for a mocha cappuccino at your favorite coffee bar. Moving this 3Rs mentality online should be as easy as shaking some cinnamon on the top!

end Note: This post is a reused variation of the article I wrote for the Search Marketing Standard, Spring 2009 edition.