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Successful Content Marketing Without Writing Any Content


Successful Content Marketing without Writing Content? It’s Possible when You Follow These Tips!

Without a well-planned content marketing strategy, your business/blog/website won’t reach a great number of potential consumers. The creation and promotion of high-quality content remains an inevitable part of everyone’s plan for online marketing.

The task of producing a steady stream of impeccable, engaging, and attention-grabbing posts is not easy at all. Some people are simply not that good at writing, so they have to invest a great deal of money to hire professional writers. Is there any way to achieve great results through content marketing without devoting entire days to writing or paying a pro to deal with the posts? Read on; the following tips will really make your life easier.

1. Use Pinterest In A Way That Guarantees Results

Many people have the impression that Pinterest is all about fashion, shopping, recipes, and motivational fitness pics. They are wrong, because Pinterest is one of the most awesome content marketing tools for online promotion. In 2015, Pinterest had 47 million users, and that audience is expected to grow during 2016. The greatest advantage of this platform is that you can promote your products and services without making those posts look like ads.


Remember: you don’t just start a Pinterest profile and start pinning some images you like. You are a content marketer, so you need an actual strategy. Here is what you can do:

2. Turn Attractive Content Into More Attractive Podcasts

Are you still ignoring podcasts with the excuse that audio content is old-fashioned? You’re missing a great opportunity to promote your business or website without bothering with writing. The Pew Research Center published a report that offers some convincing facts: One-third of Americans have listened to at least one podcast, and the overall awareness of podcasting is constantly increasing among the audience.

The important question is: how can you use podcasts as part of your marketing campaign? People won’t like wasting their time listening to promotions, but they will be happy to listen to what you have to say if you offer some actionable tips that will improve the quality of their lives.

Podcasting doesn’t take a lot of effort if you invest in high-quality equipment and software. First of all, you need a great microphone.

You’ll also need a mixer, a digital recorder, headphones, cables, and professional software. When you think about it, hiring a studio for recording podcast may turn out to be a simpler and more affordable option.

3. Analyze Your Audience On Instagram. Then, Attract Them With Awesome Images

You’ll be surprised to see how Instagram can help you reduce the amount of content you write. The per-follower engagement rates on Instagram were 2.3% in 2015; that’s much higher than the 0.2% that Facebook users are getting.

When you promote captivating images and you build a solid base of followers, you’ll replace plain text with images and videos. The good-old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” is truer than ever.


Needless to say, you need to use Instagram the right way if you want this strategy to yield good results.

4. Offer Detailed Information Through Infographics!

Are you wondering how to serve a great deal of information without writing a series of lengthy posts? Why don’t you try crafting an infographic? This type of content is great for offering many details in an easy-to-read form, so your audience won’t be bored when they read the facts, numbers, and other details. This is a win-win situation, since infographics take less time to create when you compare them to elaborate textual content.

Here are some tools that will support the design of your awesome infographics:

You can experiment with all these tools when you’re creating your infographics, but try to maintain a recognizable style and create the following projects with similar designs, colors, and shapes.

5. Use Periscope For Answering Questions And Getting Feedback

The Q&A section at your website is important, but it’s also one of the trickiest types of content to write. You have to make everything clear for the visitors, but they will still have some questions you can’t predict. That’s why Periscope can complement your content marketing campaign.

Live streaming is great for enhancing the effectiveness of your customer service department, but it’s also a great way to promote your brand through marketing messages.


Another great way to use Periscope is for getting feedback from your customers and responding to their comments. They will trust you much more when they know they can share their opinions via live streaming, since they will be free of doubt that you would delete or ignore their comments.

When you improve your transparency through Periscope, your content marketing campaign will get a whole new dimension of effectiveness.

6. Educate Your Audience Through Webinars

If you still haven’t attended a webinar related to your niche, you should do that as soon as possible. Once you get that experience, you can start planning your own webinars.

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