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The Ultimate Video Marketing ROI Cheat Sheet (Part 1)

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No matter what you do, your job is to tell your story - Gary Vaynerchuk

As usual, Gary V. is RIGHT. The following stats prove it.

It goes without saying that video marketing is a HUGE! That's why; the vast majority of internet marketers are no longer questioning whether or not video marketing is an option. The real question is how to leverage video marketing for optimal ROI.

Since video marketing ROI is a very broad subject, I will divide it into a comprehensive, 2-part article series in order to cover all the proven techniques for maximizing video marketing ROI at all stages.

This article will focus on video content and video SEO tactics. The next article in the series will discuss video marketing analytics in vivid detail. Stay tuned for that

Video Content Production Best Practices

Did you Know?

Based on this information, striving to create compelling video content is not an option: It's a must!

As a general video marketing rule of thumb, limit your video length to 5 minutes at maximum. If your topic is too broad, turn it into video series.

Start With The End In Mind. Define Your Video Marketing Objectives

I firmly believe that the why dictates the how. In other words, precisely pre-setting your video marketing business objective(s) is an essential prerequisite for video creation.

Lets address the top 3 common reasons for business video production:

  1. Corporate Branding
  2. Lead Generation
  3. Customer Acquisition

1. How To Create Videos For Enhancing Your Corporate Branding?

2. How To Create Videos To Boost Lead Generation?

3. How To Create A Video To Increase Customer Acquisition?

Video SEO Best Practices

After you complete your video production, you will need to add textual and visual components to it in order to make it noticeable to search engines.

Video Title

Video Thumbnails

File Names SEO Optimization

Optimize the raw file names of your videos and thumbnail images for SEO by including keywords separated by -or _ in the saved file names. For example, your video file name can have the format keyword1- keyword2.wmv and your thumbnail image file name can be in the format keyword1- keyword2.jpg.

Video Description

Video Tags

Video CTA (Call-To-Action)

As the name implies, a call-to-action is a specific action you want video audience to take such subscribing, liking, sharing or commenting on your videos. There are several ways to leverage video CTAs. I recommend applying all of them for optimal results.

  1. Take advantage of YouTube Call-to-Action overlays
  2. Verbally request your CTA at the end of the video
  3. Visually display your CTAs at a prominent place in your video. Visual CTA displays may include the like button sign, your website URL, your social media account names and so forth

Video Marketing Analytics Best Practices

Stay tuned for the upcoming article in the series as I will go through video marketing analytics in vivid detail.

What's your take on the tips presented above? Which of them resonated with you? Do you have additional video production and SEO best practices in mind?

Please share your insights in the comments. Your valuable contribution is much appreciated. To your video marketing ROI Success!

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* Title images adapted from wmrice, chrisschuepp, LeeLeFever