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5 Things Successful PPC Managers Do In The Morning


In the PPC industry I come across a lot of really smart people. Some are amazing at building and managing a large team. Others are exceptional analysts capable of spotting trends in data that you though was about as clear as muddy water. Still others are amazing tacticians who constantly push the limits of every feature to find how to get even more performance.

No matter what type of PPC manager you are or what type you aspire to become, there is one underlying principle that I have found to be true regardless of the skill set or personality type:

"A great PPC manager is simply a good PPC manager, every day."

With this in mind I present the 5 things that good PPC managers do in the morning.

1. Plan Your Day

In the digital workplace we're bombarded with emails, texts, chats, notifications and so many other demands on our attention. These can easily eat your entire morning or day if you're not careful.

To guard against this I recommend planning your day. If possible, do this before you turn on your computer or look at your mobile device. For some people that will mean a paper and pen to write out a quick checklist (my preferred method actually). You might also use software like Basecamp or Trello to manage your workflow. The key is that you're creating a list of the highest priority items that need your attention that day.

Like any habit, it takes discipline. I know it's hard some days when you just want to jump in, but it's worth it.

2. Check Spend & Budget

I have met few PPC advertisers with truly unlimited budgets. Therefore, the majority of you PPC managers are working with a budget of some type. This is something that should be looked at on a daily basis.

Now you may be saying "It takes too much time to look at my spending across all channels." Well, then it's time for you to get some help. Acquisio is a great platform for larger clients/agencies to have multiple platforms and accounts viewable in one place. If you're a single company, a new up-and-coming platform is AdStage. I've been demoing their product and it easily brings in AdWords, BingAds, LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook into a unified dashboard.

The takeaway here is that you need to look at this. You can log into each platform and use the native interfaces or you can use a software to help. Heck, you could get a VA to do it each night. The point is that it's a high level stat you need to pay attention to.

3. Check Performance

This will inevitably be tied to checking spend/budget, but it is a different beast. Of course you should be pacing your budget and watching the ebbs, flows and spikes, but performance is more about seeing how efficiently those dollars are being utilized. Some specific metrics you could look at include the following:


Doing the small things every morning keeps you on the right track and alerts you quickly when you're deviating so you can adjust. This makes the life of the PPC manager a lot more manageable. What do you do every morning?

[adrotate group="10"] *Leader image with photo by Photography by Servando Miramontes