As a blogger and copywriter I often have to do some research online collecting materials and information for my article or link bait. To be honest, I enjoy the process. For the years online (and while still studying), I have fine-tuned the process to be able to both find as much information as needed and do it fast and efficiently.

Online research

Here is the exact way I am doing that:

1. Get Focused

The first thing to do is to collect some basic info on the subject that would work as foundation to my further research. Here are the steps I usually take at this stage:

  1. Find definitions (Google's DEFINE: operator usually does a good job here);
  2. Scan through top 10 - 20 results in Google for the base term;
  3. While scanning, keep brief notes (open the .txt or .doc file and drop some basic info there: names, dates, numbers, major opinions, quotes, etc).

The most important part here is to save all the essential information using as few words as possible.

Once this initial step is completed, I usually have a "tree" of the basic information.

Here's an example of this "notes tree" I have done while doing research on "Online Shopping Behavior by Gender":

online research - notes

Now I can "grow" that tree expanding my search tools as well as the keyword range.

2. Expand The Keywords

For more results I need to vary the keyword phrase I am using: start experimenting with various synonyms and ways to express the similar concept / idea.

Besides using my brain, I take advantage of traditional (and not only) keyword research tools and other various ways to expand my search:

Online research

3. Expand the Search Tools and Sources

Now that I have created the list of all possible keywords and phrases to use, I can vary tools and sources to use in my search:

  • Use Google's "Time" search;
  • Use online glossaries and dictionaries
  • Use Twitter search;

Tip: If you are doing research and using Twitter search, you may be up to useful resources on the topic. Get Twitter search results include tweeted links by using [filter:links] operator.

  • Use social search aggregators like Social Mention (with plenty of filters inside, like Blog search, social network search, Q&A site search, etc)

Social Mention

4. Putting It All Together

With my keyword and source choice being expanded, I don't forget to grow my "tree" of notes as well. Here are my rules of thumb:

  • Get really focused at the beginning of the research - this will save my time by letting me both get an idea of the subject matter and keep from going through unnecessary details;
  • Expand moderately: the key is not to find as many related keywords and alternative sources as I can - the key is to move in the right direction researching the topic.
  • When saving my info, use as few words as I can: my notes are to be used to save details, to create the content I am going to use my own brain (this way I will end up with the totally unique content).

Do you use any tricks when conducting online research? Please share them!

About the Author: Ann Smarty

Ann Smarty is the Brand and Community manager at as well as the founder of Ann has been into Internet Marketing for 7 years, she is the former Editor-in-Chief of Search Engine Journal and contributor to prominent search and social blogs including Small Biz Trends and Mashable. Ann is also the frequent speaker at Pubcon and the host of regular Twitter chats #vcbuzz and #myblogu