A degree in advertising, a beautifully polished LinkedIn profile, glowing recommendation, even years of experience in a traditional marketing role. Is it enough?

Probably not.

Employers know that the world of marketing has changed. They're looking for evidence that the candidate can do search optimization, social media and Analytics. Like a search engine, they're looking for keywords on your resume.

So how do you get credibility in these areas (and the phrases on your resume) without experience? With a certification.

But there are dozens of digital marketing certificate programs to choose from. They vary widely in focus, time and of course, costs.

So here's a quick look at ten of the big ones. Let this be your guide as you navigation digital marketing certifications...

1. Content Marketing Institute

CMI now offers an Online Training and Certification program, with classes from experts in seven tracks. Focus on the skills that your target employers are looking for and fill in the gaps in your resume. Take all the required classes to earn a certificate of completion.
The curriculum is available through a yearly subscription of $995.

2. Marketing Profs University

Marketing education giant Marketing Profs just launched Marketing Profs University. Although they haven't announced a certificate program, completing any of the nine courses would allow you to update the education section your resume and LinkedIn profile: "Completed: Email Marketing Master Course, Marketing Profs"
Costs are $595 per course.

3. Copyblogger Authority

Ongoing seminars, articles, and eBooks on everything from email marketing to SEO copywriting are included in the Copyblogger Authority membership. Supported by an active community of practitioners, content marketers share knowledge and advice in monthly Q&A sessions and interactive forums.
Annual membership is $399. There is a 30 day free trial with a money back guarantee.

4. Google Analytics Academy

Google offers free education in the Analytics Academy, combining videos with activities. Complete the courses and you can take the test for the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ). Technically, it's a qualification, not a certification. But it's not time consuming or expensive. The education is excellent and few job seekers do it.
The cost is $50

5. Tribeca Flashpoint Digital Professionals Institute

Whereas most social media trainings are online, the Digital Professional Institute (DPI) offers classroom-based courses. Classes are held in Chicago taught by instructors that come from world-class agencies like Leo Burnett and Edelman. The DPI offers trainings in programming, digital marketing, and digital media. Most courses are 10-weeks, with one class per week, and some include optional workshops. Financing is available through Sallie Mae for those that qualify.
Prices range from $1,650 to $2,475

6. National Institute for Social Media

For the social media professional, the National Institute for Social Media (NISM) provides access to industry resources, like a job board and educational materials. To get NISM certified candidates are required to take an exam. The certification program is backed by an advisory committee made up of social media experts.
There is a fee to take the exam: $295 + Proctoring Fees

7. DistilledU (SEO)

Learn the basics with SEO 101, a series of beginner level courses that cover everything from keyword research to Google Analytics. Move on to the Further SEO courses to dive deeper into strategy. Courses for all skill levels.
A $40 per month subscription gets you full access to the video library and webinar series.

8. Social Media Marketing University

The Master Strategist certification curriculum encompasses everything from blogging to Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing. Options for individual certifications on specific social media platforms, like Twitter and Facebook, are also available. A diploma is awarded for completion of the core curriculum.
Prices range from $497 for specific courses to $3,997 for the full certification.

9. Market Motive

Since 2007, Market Motive has offered online courses and certifications. There are eight different specialties, including analytics and content marketing. There are also three levels of certification, including certified specialist, certified practitioner and certified master. Courses are self-paced.
Individual membership starts at $299 per month. Group plans are also available.

10. Hootsuite University

Graduates of Hootsuite University earn a badge to display on their social media profiles and can get listed in the Hootsuite Certified Professionals Directory. Curriculum covers up-to-date social media training and best practices from Hootsuite.
The cost is $21 a month. A free 90-day program with curriculum materials is available to professors in higher education.

There you have it. Any of these digital marketing programs can give you a leg up, adding credibility to your resume, keywords on your LinkedIn page and a topic in the interview. Plus the skills and the confidence to succeed once you land your dream job.

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About the Author: Andy Crestodina

Andy is the Strategic Director at Orbit Media Studios, where he brings vision and web marketing expertise to the Chicago business community, aligning client’s goals with the most effective web marketing techniques. Ideas are tempered by 12 years of experience on a huge range of business models and interactive projects. Andy is continually consulting with clients on what is possible, how to do it and if it’s a good idea. In other words, he approaches web marketing with a sense of what’s realistic and effective.