Are links your nemisis rather than a powerful tool?

Chain Link Fence

In last week's post I talk about 4 alternative uses of social media. Point #2 I mentioned in that piece talked about "generating direct backlinks", though I wasn't able to elaborate as much as I would have liked to.

Obviously there are many ways to get links from social media. One such technique is to establish profiles on various social media, and link from your profile on those sites, back to your web site. The key obviously is in knowing which social media sites permit links, and which permit DoFollow links.

To save you some time, here are a list of 22 such sites that we're aware of:
1. Digg
2. Propeller
3. Flickr
4. Kirtsy
5. LinkedIn
6. Current
7. PostonFire
8. BloggingZoom
9. CoRank
10. Technorati
11. MyBlogLog
12. Bumpzee
13. LinkaGoGo
14. Bibsonomy
15. Mister-Wong
16. MyLinkVault
17. ClipClip
18. 9Rules
19. AssociatedContent
20. Blogoria
21. NowPublic
22. MemeStreams

Edit: June 12, 2008:
23. Mixx ... thanks to Matt Mcgee (Small Business SEM)
24. Edopter ... thanks to Andy Murdoch (

I intend to keep updating this list over time so bookmark it now. Also, if you're aware of any such social media site, please leave a comment and let us know. We'll add it to the comprehensive list, and will link back to each person's site doing so.

Enjoy ... and happy link building!

About the Author: Jeff Quipp

I'm President and CEO of Search Engine People Inc. I'm a sports fanatic, particularly hockey, but in reality just about any sport. If Toronto had a dog sled team ... I'd probably try to get season's tickets. Guess I'm fortunate ... I'm very happily married, and am a father of three spirited kids (two girls and a boy). They tend to like sports too ... imagine that. I've got an BA in Economics, and an MBA from Wilfrid Laurier University ... go Hawks go! I'm a tremendous fan of all things science and the internet, and particularly how the internet is changing our behaviours. I'm always looking to connect with more people interested in the same topics as I am, so I'd encourage you to "Friend me" in all the social media below if that's you too!